Friday 2 May 2008

Prince headlining at Coachella

Prince headlining at Coachella

New York -- Prince volition make what is believed to be his first base U.S.
festival appearance ever at Coachella this month. Organizers
confirmed Wednesday that the creative person will headline the Sat
(April 26) lineup, connexion antecedently announced headliners Knave
President Lyndon Johnson (April 25) and Roger Waters (Apr 27).

The summation is reminiscent of 2006, when Madonna joined the
Coachella billhook only a few weeks in front the show. Merely she performed
merely five-spot songs in the saltation tent, whereas Prince will play a full
show on the main stage.

This year's Coachella besides will feature of speech performances by Kraftwerk,
Portishead, the Vitality, Aphex Twin, My Good morning Jacket,
Spiritualized, the Breeders and Serj Tankian.

"In this year of a lot of festivals, we think we've dug middling
trench," Coachella booking agent Saul Tollett said. "We're in our one-ninth
year, and this is a rattling great add-on to the whole story. It's
exciting to add another creative person into the commix that hasn't played

Prince, world Health Organization has been a rumored Coachella headliner for several
days, has just single other date on his upcoming schedule: a June 16
show at Dublin's Croke Ballpark.

Northern Lite